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A receiver that sends a message regularly.

Quick Start¤

If you need to do something as periodically as possible (avoiding drifts), you can use use a periodic() timer.

Periodic Timer
import asyncio
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from frequenz.channels.timer import Timer

async def main() -> None:
    async for drift in Timer.periodic(timedelta(seconds=1.0)):
        print(f"The timer has triggered at {} with a drift of {drift}")

If, instead, you need a timeout, for example to abort waiting for other receivers after a certain amount of time, you can use a timeout() timer.

import asyncio
from datetime import timedelta

from frequenz.channels import Anycast, select, selected_from
from frequenz.channels.timer import Timer

async def main() -> None:
    channel = Anycast[int](name="data-channel")
    data_receiver = channel.new_receiver()

    timer = Timer.timeout(timedelta(seconds=1.0))

    async for selected in select(data_receiver, timer):
        if selected_from(selected, data_receiver):
            print(f"Received data: {selected.value}")
        elif selected_from(selected, timer):
            drift = selected.value
            print(f"No data received for {timer.interval + drift} seconds, giving up")

This timer will rearm itself automatically after it was triggered, so it will trigger again after the selected interval, no matter what the current drift was.


It is extremely important to understand how timers behave when they are delayed, we recommned emphatically to read about missed ticks and drifting before using timers in production.

Missed Ticks And Drifting¤

A Timers can be used to send a messages at regular time intervals, but there is one fundamental issue with timers in the asyncio world: the event loop could give control to another task at any time, and that task can take a long time to finish, making the time it takes the next timer message to be received longer than the desired interval.

Because of this, it is very important for users to be able to understand and control how timers behave when they are delayed. Timers will handle missed ticks according to a missing tick policy.

The following built-in policies are available:

  • SkipMissedAndDrift: A policy that drops all the missed ticks, triggers immediately and resets.
  • SkipMissedAndResync: A policy that drops all the missed ticks, triggers immediately and resyncs.
  • TriggerAllMissed: A policy that triggers all the missed ticks immediately until it catches up.


Skip Missed And Drift¤

A policy that drops all the missed ticks, triggers immediately and resets.

The SkipMissedAndDrift policy will behave effectively as if the timer was reset every time it is triggered. This means the start time will change and the drift will be accumulated each time a tick is delayed. Only the relative drift will be returned on each tick.

The reset happens only if the delay is larger than the delay tolerance, so it is possible to ignore small delays and not drift in those cases.


This example represents a timer with interval 1 second and delay tolerance of 0.1 seconds.

  1. The first tick, T0, happens exactly at time 0.

  2. The second tick, T1.2, happens at time 1.2 (0.2 seconds late), so the timer triggers immediately but drifts a bit (0.2 seconds), so the next tick is expected at 2.2 seconds.

  3. The third tick, T2.2, happens at 2.3 seconds (0.1 seconds late), so it also triggers immediately but it doesn't drift because the delay is under the delay_tolerance. The next tick is expected at 3.2 seconds.

  4. The fourth tick, T4.2, triggers at 4.3 seconds (1.1 seconds late), so it also triggers immediately but the timer has drifted by 1.1 seconds, so a potential tick T3.2 is skipped (not triggered).

  5. The fifth tick, T5.3, triggers at 5.3 seconds so it is right on time (no drift) and the same happens for tick T6.3, which triggers at 6.3 seconds.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 T0 T1.2 T2.2 T3.2 T4.2 T5.3 T6.3 time Expected ticks Delivered ticks Undelivered ticks (skipped)

Skip Missed And Re-Sync¤

A policy that drops all the missed ticks, triggers immediately and resyncs.

If ticks are missed, the SkipMissedAndResync policy will make the Timer trigger immediately and it will schedule to trigger again on the next multiple of the interval, effectively skipping any missed ticks, but re-syncing with the original start time.


This example represents a timer with interval 1 second.

  1. The first tick T0 happens exactly at time 0.

  2. The second tick, T1, happens at time 1.2 (0.2 seconds late), so it triggers immediately. But it re-syncs, so the next tick is still expected at 2 seconds. This re-sync happens on every tick, so all ticks are expected at multiples of 1 second, not matter how delayed they were.

  3. The third tick, T2, happens at time 2.3 (0.3 seconds late), so it also triggers immediately.

  4. The fourth tick, T3, happens at time 4.3 (1.3 seconds late), so it also triggers immediately, but there was also a tick expected at 4 seconds, T4, which is skipped according to this policy to avoid bursts of ticks.

  5. The sixth tick, T5, happens at 5.1 (0.1 seconds late), so it triggers immediately again.

  6. The seventh tick, T6, happens at 6.0, right on time.

0 1 2 3 4 T4 5 6 T0 T1 T2 T3 T5 T6 time Expected ticks Delivered ticks Undelivered ticks (skipped)

Trigger All Missed¤

A policy that triggers all the missed ticks immediately until it catches up.

The TriggerAllMissed policy will trigger all missed ticks immediately until it catches up with the current time. This means that if the timer is delayed for any reason, when it finally gets some time to run, it will trigger all the missed ticks in a burst. The drift is not accumulated and the next tick will be scheduled according to the original start time.


This example represents a timer with interval 1 second.

  1. The first tick, T0 happens exactly at time 0.

  2. The second tick, T1, happens at time 1.2 (0.2 seconds late), so it triggers immediately. But it re-syncs, so the next tick is still expected at 2 seconds. This re-sync happens on every tick, so all ticks are expected at multiples of 1 second, not matter how delayed they were.

  3. The third tick, T2, happens at time 2.3 (0.3 seconds late), so it also triggers immediately.

  4. The fourth tick, T3, happens at time 4.3 (1.3 seconds late), so it also triggers immediately.

  5. The fifth tick, T4, which was also already delayed (by 0.3 seconds), triggers immediately too, resulting in a small catch-up burst.

  6. The sixth tick, T5, happens at 5.1 (0.1 seconds late), so it triggers immediately again.

  7. The seventh tick, T6, happens at 6.0, right on time.

0 1 2 3 4 T4 5 6 T0 T1 T2 T3 T5 T6 time Expected ticks Delivered ticks

High-level Interface¤

A receiver that sends a message regularly.

Timers are started by default after they are created. This can be disabled by using auto_start=False option when creating them. In this case, the timer will not be started until reset() is called. Receiving from the timer (either using receive() or using the async iterator interface) will also start the timer at that point.

Timers need to be created in a context where a asyncio loop is already running. If no loop is specified, the current running loop is used.

Timers can be stopped by calling stop(). A stopped timer will raise a ReceiverStoppedError or stop the async iteration as usual.

Once a timer is explicitly stopped, it can only be started again by explicitly calling reset() (trying to receive from it or using the async iterator interface will keep failing).

Timer messages are timedeltas containing the drift of the timer, i.e. the difference between when the timer should have triggered and the time when it actually triggered.

This drift will likely never be 0, because if there is a task that is running when it should trigger, the timer will be delayed. In this case the drift will be positive. A negative drift should be technically impossible, as the timer uses asyncios loop monotonic clock.


Even when the asyncio loop's monotonic clock is a float, timers use ints to represent time internally. The internal time is tracked in microseconds, so the timer resolution is 1 microsecond (interval must be at least 1 microsecond).

This is to avoid floating point errors when performing calculations with time, which can lead to very hard to reproduce, and debug, issues.

If the timer is delayed too much, then it will behave according to the missed_tick_policy. Missing ticks might or might not trigger a message and the drift could be accumulated or not depending on the chosen policy.

For the most common cases, a specialized constructor is provided:

Periodic Timers¤

Create a periodic timer.

A periodic timer is a Timer that tries as hard as possible to trigger at regular intervals. This means that if the timer is delayed for any reason, it will trigger immediately and then try to catch up with the original schedule.

Optionally, a periodic timer can be configured to skip missed ticks and re-sync with the original schedule (skip_missed_ticks argument). This could be useful if you want the timer is as periodic as possible but if there are big delays you don't end up with big bursts.


Periodic timers are a shortcut to create a Timer with either the TriggerAllMissed policy (when skip_missed_ticks is False) or SkipMissedAndResync otherwise.

import asyncio
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from frequenz.channels.timer import Timer

async def main() -> None:
    async for drift in Timer.periodic(timedelta(seconds=1.0)):
        print(f"The timer has triggered at {} with a drift of {drift}")


Create a timer useful for tracking timeouts.

A timeout is a Timer that resets automatically after it triggers, so it will trigger again after the selected interval, no matter what the current drift was. This means timeout timers will accumulate drift.


Timeouts are a shortcut to create a Timer with the SkipMissedAndDrift policy.

Timeout example
import asyncio
from datetime import timedelta

from frequenz.channels import Anycast, select, selected_from
from frequenz.channels.timer import Timer

async def main() -> None:
    channel = Anycast[int](name="data-channel")
    data_receiver = channel.new_receiver()

    timer = Timer.timeout(timedelta(seconds=1.0))

    async for selected in select(data_receiver, timer):
        if selected_from(selected, data_receiver):
            print(f"Received data: {selected.value}")
        elif selected_from(selected, timer):
            drift = selected.value
            print(f"No data received for {timer.interval + drift} seconds, giving up")

Low-level Interface¤

A Timer can be created using an arbitrary missed ticks policy by calling the low-level constructor and passing the policy via the missed_tick_policy argument.

Custom Missed Tick Policies¤

A policy to handle timer missed ticks.

To implement a custom policy you need to subclass MissedTickPolicy and implement the calculate_next_tick_time method.


This policy will just wait one more second than the original interval if a tick is missed:

class WaitOneMoreSecond(MissedTickPolicy):
    def calculate_next_tick_time(
        self, *, interval: int, scheduled_tick_time: int, now: int
    ) -> int:
        return scheduled_tick_time + interval + 1_000_000

async def main() -> None:
    timer = Timer(

    async for drift in timer:
        print(f"The timer has triggered with a drift of {drift}")